Activation! 2018 Event Timetable

Finger MagicActivation! and other Personal Realisation Seminars lead by Rowland Barkley are extremely challenging and deeply transformational. Can you take the risk necessary to open to your abilities and implement your dreams?

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Archetype Negotiation Method level 1:

Holographic Timeline Healing: Therapeutic Soul Integration

Timeline ClearingDid you know most people squander 99% of their energy and resources on beliefs inherited from other people?  Much of this power is misused as a result of fearing the possibility that a past problem or negative event will reoccur. Holographic Timeline Therapy retrieves your attention from the past, thus making your life happier and more productive in the present.
In the first two days of Holographic Timeline healing, you will

  • Take control of your consciousness and emotional well being
  • Learn how to stay centered within 4 archetypal states of consciousness
  • Keep yourself strong and protected during the healing process
  • Learn how to induce rapid healing trances in your clients

In the next 4 days, you will learn the basics of Holographic Timeline Healing.  This training emphasizes special techniques developed by Rowland Barkley that are based on ancient Shamanic healing techniques. These methods will help you:

  • Routinely heal emotional problems and limiting belief systems that cause many physical problems for your clients
  • Heal traumas incurred at the soul level as well as during past lives, past generations, pre-birth trauma, and present lifetime damages.
  • Assist your clients with making direct access to holographic recordings of past events, as well as understand the experience of all participants or co-creators of the trauma.
  • Learn how to recover the client’s soul from past events. This will rapidly increase their success in life, by the creation of positive future timelines.

You came here because you want to change something

Personal Consultation at the Core of Existence

Barkley RadiationWhen I work with you in Private Session we are in direct conference within the Fractal Matrix creating manifest reality. We are in the presence of the Orisha who are the powers of Nature and at the same timeless time the raw elements of human personality. Each person is being created in the image of the Divinities, not long ago, right now. Resolving conflicts of the Divinities within your deeper self in this very moment is needed to Make a Change. When you dare to be different, take the risk of Private Audience with Rowland Barkley.

Click here to register for a powerful private audience with Rowland Barkley

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