Atelier of Power
transcend limiting postures and reveal your genius
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Attain clear thinking, develop internal peace and professional stability. redirect obsessive forces
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Archetypal Energy Healing
How to understand yourself, heal other people positively influence the environment.
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Archetype Negotiation Method
Develop Archetypal Resonance in your clients so they get to design their own lives.
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The Barkley Brain trainer
Rapid holistic bodymind integration for solution of decisions, emotions, and complex problems.
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  • Deobsession
  • Archetypal Energy Healing
  • Archetype Negotiation Method
  • The Barkley Brain trainer

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Australian shaman teaches how to exorcise demons, negative energies and beliefs

Healer uses techniques to free people from their demons. His teachings are about subtle DNA and exorcism, that stimulate creative potential and eliminate completely energetic blocks.

by Gilda Telles, translated by Monica Von Koss
Printed in Folha de São Paulo, May 17, 1997

The Australian shaman Rowland Barkley uses modern techniques from neuro-linguistic and energetic therapies, associated with the shamanic tradition, to free people from their own demons and awaken their creative potential.

Invited by Paz Géia, São Paulo's school of neo-shamanism, Rowland will be in town until the beginning of June 1997, running classes and individual sessions. His teachings go beyond the traditional shamanism and propose the reprogramming of the subtle DNA, and Exorcism. Techniques that he also uses for individual sessions at his offices in Australia, Denmark, United States and now in Brasil.

Rowland's first workshop intends to remove the obstacles that prevent the free access to the 12 "strands" (levels) of the subtle DNA, to set free talents and healing powers.

The subtle DNA is explained in neo-shamanism, as in other modern strains of transpersonal therapies, as a counterpart of the cell DNA. As the cell DNA contains the genetic memory of the human being, the subtle DNA contains the records of all potentialities.

The shaman explains that the energetic blocks preventing the development of creativity, are also caused by inner demons. Generated by negative mental patterns and attitudes, the "Targs" and "thought-forms" are energies as powerful or more than creatures of the dark.

In Shamanism demons aren't seen as a evil entities with tail and horns, like in Judaism and Christianity. It is more like a wrongly directed energy, explains Rowland.

"Today demons appear under different aspects, like the belief that 'I'm not good enough. 'A negative thought can be more damaging than any spirit of the dark. Negative thoughts attract and adhere unwanted entities like magnets. In practical terms there is no difference between our own negativity and invading spirits."

Practice frees from destructive forces
The subject of exorcism, so feared by Christians, is defined by Rowland simply as "a return of lost energy to the place where it came from."

"If the demon is part of what one has been told to think, the energy has to go back to the author of that thought with love. If it is part of your own energy that you denied in yourself, then it must be re-integrated with you. Demons, ancient emotional energies, go back to the earth as fertilizers. If the demon is a destructive force from another dimension, it must be healed from the suffering caused by separation from Divine Being and from its belief of destruction, so it may return to totality."

Rowland explains that any person, after a training with a Master Shaman, is capable of exorcising his demons.

"With the help of a Master Shaman, you can use the same capacity you have to listen to thoughts that made you feel miserable and weak, to sweep them off your mind forever."

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Barkley RadiationWhen I work with you in Private Session we are in direct conference within the Fractal Matrix creating manifest reality. We are in the presence of the Orisha who are the powers of Nature and at the same timeless time the raw elements of human personality. Each person is being created in the image of the Divinities, not long ago, right now. Resolving conflicts of the Divinities within your deeper self in this very moment is needed to Make a Change. When you dare to be different, take the risk of Private Audience with Rowland Barkley.

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Barkley Heritage Literary Works

I want to see this happen

My name is Rowland Barkley, and I have spent my lifetime helping people make rapid, dynamic improvements in their life. Over the course of 50 years, I have gathered enough information to fill 17 books and wish to assemble them as my legacy for this and future generations. My system is proven to succeed, and has been used the world over for curing drug addiction, poverty, and lifting people out of warfare and chaos mentalities.