Learning from Beyond the Void

On some rare occasions, facilitated only by a Master Dreamwalking Shaman, certain trans-temporal factors precipitate the possibilities of nine-dimensional learning experiences, evoking quantum leaps of the accessibility of knowledge. These events require levels of energetic and emotional discipline that extremely few spiritual voyagers are ever likely to have, nor even to want to have.

Any person that believes or assumes that they already attained this level of Warrior Impeccability without lifetimes of strict training, followed by decades of devoted practice this life, is a person who is extremely unlikely to ever attain this ability. It is actually impossible for the ego to either have or even to understand the many simultaneous dimensions of consciousness involved. Even attempting to enter many spaces with any ego at all would be unimaginably dangerous.

A few clues as to the nature of such events may be included in this section. One such event is that of Essence Retrieval, 1000 times more powerful than Soul Retrieval.